Warehouses in the structure of the terminal No 2 with the territory 840 sq. m  enables to realize operations on a storage, accumulation, sorting and packinf of export – import and transit cargoes under the customs control (the customs post is working all over the day).

Our customers have also the opportunity to change the consignee, prices of the goods, realize trading on consignment both as in direct relation and in intermodal one (combined transportations), i.e. on the schemes wagon – warehouse – wagon, automobile – warehouse – wagon, wagon – warehouse – automobile, by consignor’s order.

           Warehouse with the territory 600 sq. m and warehouse of  temporary storage with the open areas for non-standard cargoes function in the structure of a terminal complex  of LLC "Variant - Logistic", where the regime of customs control of the staation of Chop is working. Export-import and transit cargoes are served under customs control both as in direct relation and in intermodal one (combined transportations), i.e. on the schemes wagon – warehouse – wagon, automobile – warehouse – wagon, wagon – warehouse – automobile.

           The warehouse of  temporary storage enables to place the goods under  on customers’ applications from the moment of their presentation to customs bodies and to their release according to previously agreed regime. Besides we render services on packing and formation of cargo lots. Term of storage is up to 3 months.






License AB 416503 dd 19.08.2008 issued by Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine

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